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MongoDB Documents
A MongoDB document is a JSON-like data structure composed of field and value pairs. Each document is stored as a BSON (Binary JSON) object, allowing for flexible and schema-free data modeling.
Creating a Document
In MongoDB, documents are created using JSON-like syntax. Below is an example of a MongoDB document:
Example: Creating a Document
{ "_id": ObjectId("60e87f51c6510c6ac86f7240")
, "name": "John Doe"
, "age": 30
, "email": "john.doe@example.com"
, "address": { "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "country": "USA" }
, "tags": ["developer", "mongodb", "javascript"] }
This JSON-like structure represents a MongoDB document with fields such as name, age, email, address, and tags.
MongoDB documents provide a flexible and schema-free way to store and retrieve data, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Understanding how to create, insert, query, update, and delete documents is fundamental for working with MongoDB.
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