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SQL Comments

SQL Comments

In SQL, comments are used to annotate SQL code for better understanding and documentation. Comments are ignored by the SQL engine during execution.

Single-line Comments

SELECT * FROM Employees; -- This is a single-line comment

This is a single-line comment that follows a SQL statement.

Multi-line Comments

This is a multi-line comment
that spans across multiple lines

This is a multi-line comment enclosed within /* and */ delimiters.

Comments within SQL Statements

    /* Selecting all columns */

This example demonstrates a comment within a SQL statement, providing additional context about the query.

Usage Notes

  • Comments in SQL are essential for documenting code, explaining logic, and improving readability.
  • Single-line comments start with --, and multi-line comments are enclosed within /* and */ delimiters.
  • Comments should be concise and relevant to the code they annotate.
  • Comments are ignored by the SQL engine during execution, so they do not affect query performance.

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