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HTML Quotation and Citation Elements

HTML Quotation and Citation Elements

HTML provides elements for quoting text and citing sources. These elements help in giving proper references and highlighting quotations in your content.

Common Quotation and Citation Elements

  • <blockquote> – For block quotations
  • <q> – For inline quotations
  • <cite> – For citing references
  • <abbr> – For abbreviations


<!-- Blockquote Example -->
<blockquote cite="">
    "This is an example of a blockquote element. It is used to indicate a section that is being quoted from another source."

<!-- Inline Quotation Example -->
<p>John said, <q>Hello, world!</q></p>

<!-- Citation Example -->
<p>This is a reference to a book by <cite>John Doe</cite>.</p>

<!-- Abbreviation Example -->
<p>The <abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> was founded in 1948.</p>

Rendering of Quotation and Citation Elements

“This is an example of a blockquote element. It is used to indicate a section that is being quoted from another source.”

John said, Hello, world!

This is a reference to a book by John Doe.

The WHO was founded in 1948.

Usage Tips

  • Use <blockquote> for longer quotations that are set apart from the main content. Optionally, you can use the cite attribute to provide a URL to the source of the quotation.
  • Use <q> for shorter, inline quotations within a paragraph.
  • Use <cite> to reference the title of a work, such as a book, paper, or website.
  • Use <abbr> to provide the full form of an abbreviation, enhancing accessibility and clarity.

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