Geek Slack

Introduction to HTML
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HTML Symbols

HTML Symbols

HTML symbols allow you to display special characters that are not typically found on a keyboard or have special meanings in HTML. These symbols are represented by character entities that start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;).

1. Mathematical Symbols

Mathematical symbols can be used to represent operators, relations, and other mathematical notations.


Common mathematical symbols include:

  • + = +
  • − = -
  • × = ×
  • ÷ = ÷
  • = = =
  • ≠ = ≠
  • ≤ = ≤
  • ≥ = ≥

Example usage in HTML:

<p>5 &plus; 3 = 8</p>

This will display as:

5 + 3 = 8

2. Currency Symbols

Currency symbols represent different types of currency.


Common currency symbols include:

  • &dollar; = $
  • &euro; = €
  • &pound; = £
  • &yen; = ¥
  • &cent; = ¢

Example usage in HTML:

<p>The price is &dollar;99.99</p>

This will display as:

The price is $99.99

3. Arrow Symbols

Arrow symbols can be used to represent different directions or flows.


Common arrow symbols include:

  • &larr; = ←
  • &rarr; = →
  • &uarr; = ↑
  • &darr; = ↓
  • &harr; = ↔

Example usage in HTML:

<p>Go &larr; Left or &rarr; Right</p>

This will display as:

Go ← Left or → Right

4. Punctuation Symbols

Punctuation symbols can be represented using HTML entities to ensure they are displayed correctly.


Common punctuation symbols include:

  • &quot; = "
  • &apos; = '
  • &comma; = ,
  • &period; = .
  • &excl; = !
  • &quest; = ?

Example usage in HTML:

<p>He said &quot;Hello&quot;.</p>

This will display as:

He said “Hello”.

5. Other Common Symbols

HTML entities can be used to represent various other symbols.


Some other commonly used symbols include:

  • &copy; = ©
  • &reg; = ®
  • &trade; = ™
  • &sect; = §
  • &para; = ¶
  • &bull; = •

Example usage in HTML:

<p>&copy; 2024 Your Company. All rights reserved.</p>

This will display as:

© 2024 Your Company. All rights reserved.


Using HTML symbols allows you to include a wide range of special characters in your web pages. Understanding and utilizing these symbols ensures your content is displayed accurately and improves the overall readability and professionalism of your website.

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