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MongoDB Tutorial
About Lesson


Learn how to interact with MongoDB’s Data API to perform CRUD operations using RESTful endpoints.


  • Ensure you have MongoDB Atlas configured and your cluster set up.
  • Obtain your MongoDB Data API service URL.
  • Authenticate and authorize your API access.

Using MongoDB Data API

MongoDB’s Data API provides a RESTful interface to interact with your database collections. Here are common operations:

GET – Retrieve Documents

Example: Retrieving Documents

GET /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/databases/{DATABASE-NAME}/collections/{COLLECTION-NAME}/documents

This endpoint retrieves all documents from the specified collection.

POST – Create Documents

Example: Creating Documents

POST /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/databases/{DATABASE-NAME}/collections/{COLLECTION-NAME}/documents

This endpoint creates a new document in the specified collection.

PUT – Update Documents

Example: Updating Documents

PUT /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/databases/{DATABASE-NAME}/collections/{COLLECTION-NAME}/documents/{DOCUMENT-ID}

This endpoint updates an existing document identified by {DOCUMENT-ID} in the specified collection.

DELETE – Delete Documents

Example: Deleting Documents

DELETE /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/databases/{DATABASE-NAME}/collections/{COLLECTION-NAME}/documents/{DOCUMENT-ID}

This endpoint deletes an existing document identified by {DOCUMENT-ID} from the specified collection.

Handling Responses

Responses from MongoDB’s Data API typically include status codes and JSON-formatted data payloads. Handle these responses according to your application’s requirements.


The MongoDB Data API simplifies interaction with MongoDB databases through standard HTTP methods, allowing for seamless integration with web applications and services. Experiment with these endpoints to manage your MongoDB data effectively.

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