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MongoDB Tutorial
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The MongoDB Query API allows you to retrieve and manipulate data from MongoDB databases using various query operators and methods.

Basic Queries

Perform basic queries to retrieve documents from a collection:

Example: Basic Query

db.collection.find({ "field": value })

Replace collection with your collection name, field with the document field to query, and value with the value to match.

Query Operators

Use query operators to specify conditions in MongoDB queries:

Example: Query with Operator

db.collection.find({ "age": { $gt: 30 } })

This query finds documents where the “age” field is greater than 30.


Limit fields returned in query results using projection:

Example: Projection

db.collection.find({}, { "name": 1, "age": 1 })

This query returns only the “name” and “age” fields from documents in the collection.


Sort query results based on one or more fields:

Example: Sorting

db.collection.find().sort({ "age": 1 })

This query sorts documents in ascending order based on the “age” field.

Limit and Skip

Limit and skip results in MongoDB queries:

Example: Limit and Skip


This query limits results to 5 documents, skipping the first 10 documents in the collection.


Understanding the MongoDB Query API is essential for efficiently querying data from MongoDB databases. With basic and advanced query operations, you can retrieve, manipulate, and analyze data as per your application’s requirements.

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